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"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food"  Hippocrates 

Juice Bottles
String Beans
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About me...

Jen is a Berkshire-based qualified Nutritional Therapist committed to using food as medicine and helping you journey back to health. As well as addressing dis-ease through food and nutrition, her functional medicine and holistic approach focuses on a health-orientated, patient-centred path, identifying underlying causes of disease and imbalances within the body and addressing our biochemical constitution and individuality.

She aims to understand your genetics, environment and lifestyle. If appropriate, she will use lab testing to identify physiological imbalances and develop a bespoke nutritional plan to bring you back to optimal health!

About Anchor


One hour initial Consultation - £200
Follow up - £60 1/2 Call
Weight Loss / Women's Health / Allergy Testing / Gut Health / Sports Nutrition / Mental Health


Anchor Consutations

Client Testimonials...

“I wish I’d sat down and had a proper conversation with Jennie months ago. I’ve been agonising over my skin break outs since Jan last year and no matter what I tried nothing seemed to make a difference. An hours conversation with Jennie, taking on her considerations and suggestions; and I’m FINALLY seeing improvements. I’m going to carry on working with her as addressing my seemingly permanent exhaustion is next. I can’t wait. She’s fab, and amazing at what she does. Can’t recommend her highly enough.”

Clare S.

Following a consultation with Jen, further intolerance testing blood tests and Jen’s nutrition advice, my daughter has now been pain free for over 6 weeks and is a different girl! With some simple tweaks to her diet and by removing the two items that she was found to be reactionary to she is doing so much better and has adjusted to the changes really well. We could not have achieved this without Jen’s brilliant help and advice.


“For a long time I've always felt tired and had stomach problems. Jennie's helped me discover my intolerances and designed me a well considered plan. Ever since, I have felt so much better and full of energy! ”


Anchor Testimonials
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